The personal experience of Katie & Lucas from United Kingdom

We are so thankful that we were lucky enough to come across Newlife after a recommendation from a patient of mine who was currently pregnant with twins via the help of Newlife.
We had been struggling with fertility issues since 2020 after 5 natural conception pregnancy’s all ending in miscarriage. Sadly, at the time there was little support for us due to covid - I ended up with an infection after the miscarriages which resulted ln me losing both my fallopian tubes, which was obviously devastating at the time.
I was told that I was a good candidate for IVF in the UK - we underwent a cycle of IVF in the UK, it was not what I expected. There didn’t seem to be any person centred approach to my care. I did not feel cared for and sadly that cycle was unsuccessful - as a couple we had never imagined travelling abroad for treatment when we live in the UK and there are so many clinics to choose from, but we decided to go with the recommendation and reach out to Newlife.
From the very beginning, it was a completely different experience, even though many of the appointments were over zoom phone or email, the care we received was outstanding - everything was precise and person centred to our needs.
The staff at Newlife are so loving, kind and compassionate and very highly skilled practitioners - the process was very straightforward. Our first initial contact was on December 23, and we flew out on Feb 24 to have some blood work, semen analysis and scans
Dr Dovas was phenomenal. He made me feel at ease and so comfortable, himself Chrysa, Ariadni were my caregivers and I can honestly say they are so professional, so kind, caring, skilled and truly wonderful people and practitioners. Everything is explained at great length. Any time I was unsure of anything, they were just an email away, and I would have a response within a max of 2 hours - from our investigations we did not wait too long to start treatment. It was around 4 months, all of our treatment went to plan as Newlife makes everything so easy for you. All of our medication was sent to our door, and then we purchased the rest when out in Greece, which again was so easy due to Newlife having all the prescriptions ready and waiting at a local pharmacy - we are so, so lucky and thankful that today I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and everything is going good - we have the Newlife team to thank for making our dreams of a family come true no words will ever describe how grateful we truly are - If any woman is considering this clinic I urge you to do so, and you will not be disappointed this clinic is absolutely outstanding. And you will be truly cared for.

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